Surprise, surprise…Fund Industry Does Not Welcome Fee Limits
Here’s a shocker: mutual-fund industry does not like the idea of curtailing high and often-hidden sales fees (“loads”) and other arcane fee grabs (“12b-1”).

Here’s a shocker: mutual-fund industry does not like the idea of curtailing high and often-hidden sales fees (“loads”) and other arcane fee grabs (“12b-1”).
As a Registered Investment Advisor, we offer a higher standard of service to our clients, lower fees and better performance compared to a broker or a bank.
We always puts our clients’ interest ahead of our own. Our management fee is smaller than brokers’ fees plus their hidden sales fees. Our analysis usually shows our recommendations perform better than the brokers’ fee laiden products.
If brokers had to put their clients’ interest ahead of their own, those clients would pay more for financial advice and their investments, according to a study commissioned by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), a group representing megabrokers and banks that are trying to influence a forthcoming rulemaking from the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Knut Rostad, chairman of a financial advisors advocacy group, the Committee for the Fiduciary Standard, called the SIFMA report “a fantastic mythology.” “It’s so incoherent as to defy objective evaluation,” Barbara Roper of the Consumer Federation of America wrote to the SEC.
Today’s Wall Street Journal shows the tenth best multicap core fund has a one-year total return of 27.2% as of October 29, 2010. Our clients’ NorthStar Equity portfolio levels up at a very respectable 27.1% net of fees placing us in the top 98% percentile. [Past performance is not an indication of future results. Please see performance disclosures at].
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