
How much salary do you need to earn in order to afford the principal, interest, taxes and insurance payments on a median-priced home in your metro area?

Cities 30-Year Fixed
Mortgage Rate
Median Home Price Monthly Payment
Salary Needed*
National 4.02% $222,700 $1,192.67 $51,114.62
Pittsburgh 3.90% $128,000 $726.47 $31,134.50
Cleveland 4.00% $121,800 $758.88 $32,523.47
Cincinnati 4.02% $136,600 $792.56 $33,967.01
St Louis 4.00% $143,700 $811.48 $34,777.53
Detroit 4.07% $148,667 $861.34 $36,914.56
Atlanta 4.03% $169,200 $876.19 $37,551.08
Tampa 4.16% $175,100 $978.19 $41,922.58
Phoenix 4.03% $221,000 $1,025.21 $43,937.76
San Antonio 4.01% $192,100 $1,096.08 $46,974.78
Orlando 4.08% $205,000 $1,115.59 $47,810.81
Minneapolis 4.00% $223,700 $1,172.52 $50,250.68
Philadelphia 4.00% $213,700 $1,204.52 $51,622.40
Dallas 4.05% $206,200 $1,208.81 $51,806.01
Houston 4.04% $209,200 $1,217.16 $52,163.93
Baltimore 3.98% $233,500 $1,233.51 $52,864.57
Chicago 4.04% $209,800 $1,352.93 $57,982.85
Sacramento 4.05% $294,100 $1,450.01 $62,143.45
Miami 4.07% $286,000 $1,471.12 $63,048.07
Portland 4.05% $318,800 $1,538.07 $65,917.47
Denver 4.05% $353,500 $1,596.85 $68,436.22
Seattle 4.09% $385,300 $1,829.91 $78,424.93
Washington 4.01% $371,600 $1,834.60 $78,625.71
Boston 3.96% $393,600 $1,940.20 $83,151.43
New York City 4.00% $384,600 $2,024.64 $86,770.19
Los Angeles 4.02% $481,900 $2,217.60 $95,040.20
San Diego 3.90% $546,800 $2,407.18 $103,164.96
San Francisco 3.94% $781,600 $3,453.24 $147,996.19

* Income required to cover the mortgage’s principal, interest, tax and insurance payment assuming the standard 28% “front-end” debt ratios and a 20 percent down payment subtracted from the median-home-price

Source: Visual Capitalist